Category: Financial Planning

Financial Planning Fridays #91: A Head Start

Many of our clients have more saved and invested than they will ever spend in their lifetimes. This gives them the opportunity to make gifts to improve the lives of family and friends or further the mission of their favorite charities.  They can use the power of compounding through time to magnify these gifts.  Please […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #89: Global Financial Crisis Case Study

In exchange for the wonderful superior long-term returns of stock, we need to occasionally endure a significant temporary decline. Some are more challenging than others and can be extremely difficult to go through, but like anything else are much easier if you are prepared. Let’s look at the largest temporary decline since the great depression […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #84: Why We Don’t Recommend Individual Stocks

We wanted to share the top three reasons why we don’t recommend individual stocks at Presilium.  First and most important: Your basic asset allocation, the mix you hold in stocks vs. bonds is the factor most responsible for your returns in the long-term. Which investments you choose and when you buy or sell them contributes […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #76: We love investing in stocks!

Happy Valentine’s Day! At Presilium, we love our clients, and we also love investing in the leading companies in the world.  And that’s for one simple reason: Investing in stocks has been the most reliable way to grow your wealth faster than inflation, consequently allowing you to reach much higher goals for you and your […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #63: Year-End Planning

As we enter the last quarter of the year, we wanted to share a few year-end financial planning strategies that we review and complete for our clients at Presilium. First: Tax Loss Swaps. Have you taken the time to review the investments inside your taxable accounts for positions that are temporarily down? Market volatility and […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #60: When Should You Update Your Will and Estate Plan?

Today, we’d like to discuss a topic that’s close to my heart and crucial for your financial well-being: When should you update your will and estate plan? Life is a journey filled with milestones. And with each significant event, it’s essential to ensure that your financial legacy reflects your current wishes. So, when exactly should […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #59: Market Returns During Government Shutdowns

Recently government shutdowns have dominated the headlines, raising concerns about their impact on the market. Just last week, our government narrowly avoided another shutdown, extending funding until mid-November 2023 So, what exactly is a government shutdown? It happens when Congress and the President can’t agree on legislation to fund government operations and agencies, either at […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #52: Four Keys From a Year of Videos

Today’s video marks the one-year anniversary in the Financial Planning Friday’s series! Over this past year, these videos have helped people to make much better financial decisions, provided a voice of reason during times of uncertainty, and distilled complex financial planning strategies into short, straight forward videos. While our clients have direct access to a […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #51: A More Balanced Look at Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks have been a popular way to invest for a long time. Investors have enjoyed receiving the steady, and seemingly certain, income generated by these types of stocks, especially during retirement. However, at Presilium we prefer to have our clients think about generating their income from the total return of their portfolio, rather than […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #22: 2023 Contribution Limits

Today we wanted to discuss the best ways to maximize your retirement accounts using the new IRS limits for 2023. These are the largest contribution increases in history and will allow you to save more than you ever could before. Saving into these types of accounts are some of the best ways to make investments […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #19: Family Balance Sheet

Did you know the importance of keeping an accurate family balance sheet? We do, and wanted to share what a client balance sheet at Presilium Private Wealth looks like. The top left includes a section that shows a client’s current net worth and account ownership. This is updated every day so that our clients can […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #6: Account Withdrawal Order

Today we wanted to discuss something that can have a huge impact on reaching your retirement goals: the order that you take withdrawals from your investment accounts. Many of our clients have three types of investment accounts that each have their own tax rules, after-tax accounts, IRAs/401ks and Roth IRAs. A good financial plan for […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #2: The Probability of Success

Welcome to Financial Planning Fridays, our weekly video series on the benefits of financial planning. Today we are going to focus on the probability of success in a financial plan. In the financial planning software that we use from eMoney the probability of success is determined by running 1,000 random trials of your potential investment […]

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