Category: Financial Planning Fridays

Financial Planning Fridays #95: More Votality, Please!

Many investors fear volatility in stocks and see it as something to be minimized or avoided. However, we wanted to show you why over the long-term, it is actually something we should embrace and be thankful for. A significant reason that stocks have returned so much more over time when compared with other asset classes […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #91: A Head Start

Many of our clients have more saved and invested than they will ever spend in their lifetimes. This gives them the opportunity to make gifts to improve the lives of family and friends or further the mission of their favorite charities.  They can use the power of compounding through time to magnify these gifts.  Please […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #89: Global Financial Crisis Case Study

In exchange for the wonderful superior long-term returns of stock, we need to occasionally endure a significant temporary decline. Some are more challenging than others and can be extremely difficult to go through, but like anything else are much easier if you are prepared. Let’s look at the largest temporary decline since the great depression […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #88: Market Returns in Election Years

When making long-term investments, history shows us that we should ignore contentious elections and politics. We should stick with our investment plans despite the constant negative ads and commentary that we see everywhere. And why is that? Well, with our Presidential election now about 6 months away, let’s look at a few statistics together.  Presidential […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #86: Stay Ahead of Inflation

The price of a postage stamp is set to increase, yet again, to 73 cents in July 2024. In 1963, it was 5 cents. It has become almost 15 times more expensive over the past 60 years! This postage stamp chart serves as a great proxy for everything we purchase and just how important it […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #84: Why We Don’t Recommend Individual Stocks

We wanted to share the top three reasons why we don’t recommend individual stocks at Presilium.  First and most important: Your basic asset allocation, the mix you hold in stocks vs. bonds is the factor most responsible for your returns in the long-term. Which investments you choose and when you buy or sell them contributes […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #83: Our Core Investment Beliefs

We would like to share with you our core investment belief at Presilium.  We believe that the world is improving every year and that investing in stocks is the best way to grow your family’s wealth over the long-term.   The S&P 500 is now up about 300 thousand percent since 1950, which equates to 11.4% […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #82: Our Investment Allocation and Performance Report

At Presilium, we provide our clients with detailed reports that show exactly how they are invested and how their investments are performing. Please let me take the next 2 minutes to show you a few highlights from one of our reports. The first thing we look at is the current mix of stocks, bonds, alternative investments, […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #79: The 15 Year Anniversary of the Global Financial Crisis

March 9th is the 15-year anniversary of the market low during the Global Financial Crisis – one of the most uncertain and challenging times that investors ever experienced.  There are three critical lessons from that time that we can use to help us to make future investment decisions.   First: These kinds of market events are […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #76: We love investing in stocks!

Happy Valentine’s Day! At Presilium, we love our clients, and we also love investing in the leading companies in the world.  And that’s for one simple reason: Investing in stocks has been the most reliable way to grow your wealth faster than inflation, consequently allowing you to reach much higher goals for you and your […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #63: Year-End Planning

As we enter the last quarter of the year, we wanted to share a few year-end financial planning strategies that we review and complete for our clients at Presilium. First: Tax Loss Swaps. Have you taken the time to review the investments inside your taxable accounts for positions that are temporarily down? Market volatility and […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #60: When Should You Update Your Will and Estate Plan?

Today, we’d like to discuss a topic that’s close to my heart and crucial for your financial well-being: When should you update your will and estate plan? Life is a journey filled with milestones. And with each significant event, it’s essential to ensure that your financial legacy reflects your current wishes. So, when exactly should […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #59: Market Returns During Government Shutdowns

Recently government shutdowns have dominated the headlines, raising concerns about their impact on the market. Just last week, our government narrowly avoided another shutdown, extending funding until mid-November 2023 So, what exactly is a government shutdown? It happens when Congress and the President can’t agree on legislation to fund government operations and agencies, either at […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #57: Finish Strong

Our clients have done an amazing job maintaining their investment strategy throughout the constant uncertainty of the last 20 months or so. Despite the incessant doomsday coverage from the media, they have hung in there, rebalanced when appropriate, and have been rewarded accordingly because of this. Though it hasn’t been easy, we knew there were, […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #56: Consistency Counts

As an investor, our goal should be to get the highest possible return no matter what, right? Wrong. As important as it is to achieve a great return, it can be just as important to achieve a consistently great return. An investment portfolio with a consistent return can actually outperform another investment portfolio that has […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #52: Four Keys From a Year of Videos

Today’s video marks the one-year anniversary in the Financial Planning Friday’s series! Over this past year, these videos have helped people to make much better financial decisions, provided a voice of reason during times of uncertainty, and distilled complex financial planning strategies into short, straight forward videos. While our clients have direct access to a […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #51: A More Balanced Look at Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks have been a popular way to invest for a long time. Investors have enjoyed receiving the steady, and seemingly certain, income generated by these types of stocks, especially during retirement. However, at Presilium we prefer to have our clients think about generating their income from the total return of their portfolio, rather than […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #44: How Your Family May Benefit From A Trust

Today we wanted to discuss one of the most important tools of estate planning. Proactive estate planning can play a crucial role in managing and distributing assets in a manner that aligns with your wishes while maintaining privacy, minimizing tax liability, and preserving wealth for future generations. One of the most versatile and effective tools […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #41: A Preview of 2033

Each year, there is a conference called Abundance 360 where visionary entrepreneurs, investors, and executives meet to solve the world’s biggest challenges. It is an all-star group of experts working together to make positive and lasting change. They believe that over the next ten years, humanity will experience more progress than we have over the […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #40 What Has Lower Inflation Meant for Stocks?

We are now very close to repeating an economic milestone that has historically led to excellent market returns for stocks. The Consumer Price Index fell from 9.1% to 4.9% since July 2022—a decline of 4.2% —and it is expected to continue to fall until July 2023. The Consumer Price Index or CPI is a measure […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #36: The Importance of Diversification

Today we would like to discuss diversification, why it is so important when investing and how it helps you reach your long-term goals. At Presilium, our clients all hold a variety of different types of stocks, bonds, and real estate in their portfolios. This mix matches their financial plan and consequently their short and long-term […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #34: Donor Advised Funds

Today we wanted to discuss something that is very important to us at Presilium Private Wealth: charitable giving. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is by using a special investment account called at Donor Advised Fund, also commonly called at DAF. Donor Advised Funds are the fastest growing investment vehicle in philanthropy […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #31: Don’t Invest Like Your Neighbors

In our 31st Financial Planning Friday’s episode I wanted to discuss why it is so important not to take the same investment approach that many of your neighbors are using. The American Association of Individual Investors is a non-profit organization that has completed a weekly survey since 1987 where they ask a simple question, Do […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #30: Now is the best time to be alive

We live in an age of unprecedented technological progress.In the last few decades, advancements in fields such as medicine, transportation, and communication have transformed our daily lives. We now have access to instant communication with people across the globe, and we can travel to far-flung destinations in a matter of hours. Medical breakthroughs have eradicated […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #28: Investing During a Recession

Since at least the middle of 2022, there has been constant debate about whether the U.S. economy is in a recession or is about to enter one. The term “recession” can strike fear into the hearts of investors, and for good reason. Recessions are periods of economic decline, typically characterized by a decrease in economic […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #25: Don’t Give Your Investments a Day Off

You should take lots of days off to enjoy life but your investments, no, they should remain invested, working for you every single day. Once you have developed your long-term financial plan, and have a solid investment strategy, it is critical to keep your stock portion invested no matter what happens in the world and […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #22: 2023 Contribution Limits

Today we wanted to discuss the best ways to maximize your retirement accounts using the new IRS limits for 2023. These are the largest contribution increases in history and will allow you to save more than you ever could before. Saving into these types of accounts are some of the best ways to make investments […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #20: 2022 Review

Today, in our twentieth episode, we wanted to discuss and review 2022. Last year was filled with lots of good news but also more than a few negative headlines that made the market one of the most volatile ever. As usual, we took advantage of this volatility and rebalanced our client accounts 27 times; each […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #19: Family Balance Sheet

Did you know the importance of keeping an accurate family balance sheet? We do, and wanted to share what a client balance sheet at Presilium Private Wealth looks like. The top left includes a section that shows a client’s current net worth and account ownership. This is updated every day so that our clients can […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #17: Compound Growth

Today we wanted to talk with you about just how powerful compounding over time can be. Albert Einstein said that Compound Interest is the eighth wonder of the world. Our clients are often surprised at how large their investments are projected to grow when we look at their long-term financial plans. When we calculate how […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #16: Market Performance After Midterm Elections

Today we wanted to talk with you about the historical market performance after midterm elections. One of our favorite hobbies at Presilium is looking back through history for clues on what may happen now and in the future. We recently finished a heavily contested mid-term election in the U.S. on November 8, 2022 and consequently […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #14: Investing for Education

Today, in our fourteenth episode, we wanted to talk with you about saving for college and the advantages of using a 529 College Savings account. College costs are higher than ever and are expected to continue to increase. The average cost of a student living on campus at a four-year private, non-profit university is $54,501 […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #13: Money Market

Today, in our thirteenth episode, we wanted to talk with you about optimizing your accounts that are not invested for the long-term. At Presilium, we want you to get the best possible returns on all of your accounts. These include accounts that you may want to access in the next couple years and consequently want […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #9: Estate Planning

Today in our ninth episode we wanted to talk about Estate Planning. A good estate plan transfers your assets and investments to your designated beneficiaries in the most effective way possible under the current laws. A good estate plan also transfers assets and investments in the easiest way to your beneficiaries in what otherwise can […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #8: Tax Loss Swaps

Today we wanted to discuss something that we regularly complete for clients whenever we have the opportunity – tax loss swaps. A tax loss swap allows us to capture realized losses that can be used to offset future gains without making a large change to your overall investment allocation. This how a tax loss swap […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #6: Account Withdrawal Order

Today we wanted to discuss something that can have a huge impact on reaching your retirement goals: the order that you take withdrawals from your investment accounts. Many of our clients have three types of investment accounts that each have their own tax rules, after-tax accounts, IRAs/401ks and Roth IRAs. A good financial plan for […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #4: Rebalancing

Today we will discuss something most people know they should be doing, yet almost no one does on a consistent basis: rebalancing your investment portfolio. Rebalancing, put simply, is moving your portfolio back to your target investment allocation as the market moves up or down. At Presilium, we start each relationship by building a financial […]

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Financial Planning Fridays #2: The Probability of Success

Welcome to Financial Planning Fridays, our weekly video series on the benefits of financial planning. Today we are going to focus on the probability of success in a financial plan. In the financial planning software that we use from eMoney the probability of success is determined by running 1,000 random trials of your potential investment […]

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